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Once Upon a Time in Japan: Daifunzi...I think the name is.

Woke up this morning when Kyle, Mitch's son, walked into the room I was sleeping in. He just stood there staring at me. I said goodmorning. He looked at me and took a dump in his pants. Then he slowly turned away and walked away. So I closed the door and slept a little longer.
Got up and Mitch had gone to this audition. So I played with the kids and ate soem breakfast and fooled around for a bit.
Then the kids, Kimi and I headed out to the big park to meet Mitch for lunch. We walked around and stuff. Very pretty. After lunch at a chinese resturant, we headed out to Daifunzi which is out about an hour away. It was a Shinto place and it was really pretty.
Took lots of pictures obviously.