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Back home...My thoughts on Japan.

Well, I'm dealing with the Jetlag Depression. It really sucks. I dont' want to do anything and when I do, its nerve racking and I dont want to do it. Thinkin about the future is painful. But i went out bike riding with Vinnie, so that helped alot. Then came back and updated this journal and had a nice dinner with the folks. I went out to a couple haunted houses with Vinnie as well tonite.

I thought the country was absolutely beautiful. I had a blast while I was there. Its not as clean as what we as Americans may think. From all we get here is that the country is analretentive about cleanliness. From what I saw, the country is just as clean or dirty as the US. However, I have heard some negative things about hospitals from foreign teachers that are over there. John and I used to tease Yumi and Rumi that all of Japan smelled like a hospital because it was so clean. Not the case. They just like to take their shoes off before going into the living quarters of a house.
I really liked Japan it was quite beautiful. It was very cramped, but pretty. Every city I stayed in, you could see mountains. Lots of green stuff. Unfortunately, I didnt see Godzilla. I wanted to so bad.
The people were great and polite and good to spend time with. However, I hear that they are polite to your face and you don't want to see them when your back is turned. I dont know how true that is, but thats the impression I get from business folk and people who deal with the Japanese alot. I haven't met 2-faced Japanese people that I know of, yet.
I had a blast in Japan and spending time with Yumi was wonderful. I want to go back. So i guess i give it a positive review.
Anywho, its late. Goodnite.


yeah, i've heard that the japanese are nice to your face also. but i think that's more of the older generation than the new. i've heard some pretty funny stories of older japanese thinking that the gainjin didn't speak japanese and insulting them only to have the person speak back to them in japanese. that being said, i would still love to go to japan. :)

japan is nice, i am going back visit this summer. how about you??
take care,

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