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Lessons in Hypocrisy.

China May Block Japanese UN Security Council Bid
China is a 'Scary' Country - You ain't just whistling Dixie, Sister!
I want to know how China got on the council if they are putting up a fight about respecting history and Wen is using this as his main point, "Only a country that respects history, takes responsibility for history and wins over the trust of peoples in Asia and the world at large can take greater responsibilities in the international community."
This coming from a country that constantly, even today, destroys its own history and recreates it to support the Communist Ideal. I don't know how many Chinese I have talked to that think Shaolin is the greatest and first ever martial art in the world. And that it is still real. Its like talking to a wall.
Its the same as those Biblical arguements..."God put all the fossils that date back millions of years to test our faith. The Earth is only 4 thousand years old." (or whatever age they say it is)
Ancient cities and art is being destroyed so that they become Modern. They don't even know about thier own history dating 50 years ago. What a shame. Whenever I start to talk about WWII era stuff, they glaze over.

As for this....

This Chinese "One-Child Policy" is turning this next generation of kids into super spoiled brats...more so than the previous generations. I see it in Daisy and her cousin. Her cousin is really bad. I just got back from my chinese lesson and I couldn't hear half of it because he was screaming about every other minute about stuff. His grandfather and aunt would show a slight bit of displeasure but not do anything about it. They just let him get away with throwing his toy on the floor or not doing his math exercises. It was wierd...and very irritating. So I totally punched his two front teeth out. No, I am just kidding. He lost his two front teeth naturally when they fell out after I took my foot out of his mouth. No, just kidding about that. They just fell out naturally.......
Daisy isn't as abusive as her brother is. She just sits on the table and stuff and does things, and when she does things that upset her parents, they give that quick stern look and she stops doing what she's doing for a bit with a giggle. Like she knows its worng, but she is gonna do it anyway, until she is told to get off the table again. For as long as I have known her, I have only seen her really cry once.
Just wait till the current and past generations start controlling the government and businesses. You may think the proverbial fecal matter has hit the fan now...just wait, brother...just wait.

I went to the gym today. It was good. Afterwards, my two 6th grades were put back to back instead of seperated. The first 6th grade class is the real bad one usually, never following my directions. I kicked 14 kids out of my class at once. It was 2 rows of kids I had go up to do some things, and no one was doing it, so I told them to leave. The rest of the class sure did participate after that. May proceeded to scold them outside and when they came back, they participated.
The second class went ok. There were a few trouble makers, but at least nothing horrendous.
Kindergarten went pretty well. They were really loud and I shut the lights out to keep them quite once.

I went to practice tonite as well. I think its sad when people are walking past the studio and take a look in on practice and all they see is 5 highschool students playing Leap Frog. Pathetic. I would be super pissed if I were Guo Sifu. I would totally bust some heads and break some legs.
Good nite all.